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The Basilica of Annunciation in Nazareth|Roman-Catholic church in Galilee region

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The Church of the Annunciation is renowned as one of the largest Catholic churches globally and holds the distinction of being the largest in the Middle East. Tradition holds that it stands atop the site believed to be the house of the Virgin Mary. It is here, according to the Gospel of Luke (1:26-38), that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, announcing her miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and the forthcoming birth of her son, who would serve as the redeemer of humanity, Jesus. This event, known as the Annunciation, marks the moment of the divine incarnation, wherein God took on human form within Mary’s womb. This act of divine incarnation is central to Christian theology, signifying the union of divine and human nature in the person of Jesus Christ, who would ultimately offer redemption from the original sin of Adam and Eve through his suffering and sacrifice.

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The Church

Above the front entrance of the church, visitors are greeted by sculptures depicting the four evangelists of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Adjacent to them is a monumental statue of Jesus, with another statue of Mary adorning the southern facade. Upon entering through the lower gate, a remarkable display of paintings portraying Mary from various cultural perspectives awaits, representing diverse interpretations of her significance across the globe. These artistic renditions range from African and Japanese styles to those from Chile and beyond.

Moving to the south facade, one finds a comprehensive dedication to Mary, featuring reliefs illustrating key moments in her life and her ascension to heaven. Adorning the walls are excerpts from the prayer “Salve Regina,” a devotional hymn dedicated to Mary’s intercession and protection.

The central facade, facing west, is a focal point highlighting both Jesus and Mary. Intricate symbolic details abound, including the Greek letters alpha and omega, symbolizing Jesus as the beginning and the end. Additionally, prominent symbols representing the Franciscan order and the Jerusalem cross further enrich the spiritual significance of the site.

Basic Information

Address Al Bishara 12 st. Nazareth


Christian order: Roman Catholic, Franciscan.

Build date: 1955-1969.

Important History

Since the Byzantine era, churches have been erected in Nazareth, each attempting to identify the site where Mary lived according to tradition. However, the Church of the Annunciation has endured a tumultuous history of destruction and reconstruction. Initially devastated by the Persian conquest in 614, it faced further destruction during the Islamic conquest in the 7th century and again in the 13th century. It wasn’t until the 20th century, following Israel’s establishment, that extensive renovation and reconstruction efforts began, culminating in the church’s demolition and subsequent reconstruction in 1955.

Designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Mutzio, the church underwent a 14-year construction process before its inauguration in 1969. To preserve both its historical significance and accommodate modern functions, the church was divided into two floors. The lower level encompasses a former cave containing archaeological remnants from earlier churches, creating a somber and intimate atmosphere conducive to prayer gatherings. In contrast, the upper floor serves as a spacious venue for large events, boasting vibrant and elaborate paintings adorning its walls.

Notable features include expansive and colorful mosaics gifted by various nations, symbolizing the global reverence for Mary. The dome, reaching a height of 59 meters with a diameter of 17.8 meters, prominently displays a floral motif representing the Virgin Mary, a recurring theme in Christian art. Architecturally, the site exhibits elements of Italian brutalism, characterized by its exposed concrete moldings, lending a distinctive aesthetic to the structure.

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Arrival options

Bus lines
To reach the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, you have several bus options available:
From Tel Aviv, you can take bus number 826.
From Jerusalem, bus number 955 will take you to Nazareth.
If you’re coming from Haifa, bus number 331 will get you to Nazareth.
CarThe traffic is heavy in Nazareth. Write “Annunciation church” and look for parking in nearby streets, like Iksal Street. If you are staying in a nearby hotel better to walk by foot.

Logistic information

Accessibility: There is no parking available, but you can stop a car at the entrance to the upper story of the church. There are two staircases in the church entrance, request a ramp. The first door is harder to access.

Telephone No: 972-4-6572501.

Opening times: Daily from 08:00 to 17:00.

WC- available apart from the second floor, payment required. Suitable for wheel chairs.

Nearby site activities

Few churches can be reached on foot: Joseph Church, Synagogue Church, Mensa Christi Church and Gabriel Church.

Site explaining My experience

The Church of the Annunciation boasts expansive interiors and a wealth of fascinating features awaiting exploration. Plan to allocate roughly 30 minutes to an hour to fully immerse yourself in its splendor. With a stroke of luck, you may even have the opportunity to attend a Catholic mass during your visit. Be sure not to overlook the section devoted to Mary, where you might chance upon a depiction that resonates with your homeland.

    The Church of the Annunciation is renowned as one of the largest Catholic churches globally and holds the distinction of being the largest in the Middle East. Tradition holds that it stands atop the site believed to be the house of the Virgin Mary. It is here, according to the Gospel of Luke (1:26-38), that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, announcing her miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and the forthcoming birth of her son, who would serve as the redeemer of humanity, Jesus. This event, known as the Annunciation, marks the moment of the divine incarnation, wherein God took on human form within Mary’s womb. This act of divine incarnation is central to Christian theology, signifying the union of divine and human nature in the person of Jesus Christ, who would ultimately offer redemption from the original sin of Adam and Eve through his suffering and sacrifice.

    North Churches In Israel Nazarat Anonciationchurch1 1 1

    The Church

    Above the front entrance of the church, visitors are greeted by sculptures depicting the four evangelists of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Adjacent to them is a monumental statue of Jesus, with another statue of Mary adorning the southern facade. Upon entering through the lower gate, a remarkable display of paintings portraying Mary from various cultural perspectives awaits, representing diverse interpretations of her significance across the globe. These artistic renditions range from African and Japanese styles to those from Chile and beyond.

    Moving to the south facade, one finds a comprehensive dedication to Mary, featuring reliefs illustrating key moments in her life and her ascension to heaven. Adorning the walls are excerpts from the prayer “Salve Regina,” a devotional hymn dedicated to Mary’s intercession and protection.

    The central facade, facing west, is a focal point highlighting both Jesus and Mary. Intricate symbolic details abound, including the Greek letters alpha and omega, symbolizing Jesus as the beginning and the end. Additionally, prominent symbols representing the Franciscan order and the Jerusalem cross further enrich the spiritual significance of the site.

    Basic Information

    Address Al Bishara 12 st. Nazareth


    Christian order: Roman Catholic, Franciscan.

    Build date: 1955-1969.

    Important History

    Since the Byzantine era, churches have been erected in Nazareth, each attempting to identify the site where Mary lived according to tradition. However, the Church of the Annunciation has endured a tumultuous history of destruction and reconstruction. Initially devastated by the Persian conquest in 614, it faced further destruction during the Islamic conquest in the 7th century and again in the 13th century. It wasn’t until the 20th century, following Israel’s establishment, that extensive renovation and reconstruction efforts began, culminating in the church’s demolition and subsequent reconstruction in 1955.

    Designed by the Italian architect Giovanni Mutzio, the church underwent a 14-year construction process before its inauguration in 1969. To preserve both its historical significance and accommodate modern functions, the church was divided into two floors. The lower level encompasses a former cave containing archaeological remnants from earlier churches, creating a somber and intimate atmosphere conducive to prayer gatherings. In contrast, the upper floor serves as a spacious venue for large events, boasting vibrant and elaborate paintings adorning its walls.

    Notable features include expansive and colorful mosaics gifted by various nations, symbolizing the global reverence for Mary. The dome, reaching a height of 59 meters with a diameter of 17.8 meters, prominently displays a floral motif representing the Virgin Mary, a recurring theme in Christian art. Architecturally, the site exhibits elements of Italian brutalism, characterized by its exposed concrete moldings, lending a distinctive aesthetic to the structure.

    North Churches In Israel Nazarate Anonciation Inside 1

    Arrival options

    Bus lines
    To reach the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, you have several bus options available:
    From Tel Aviv, you can take bus number 826.
    From Jerusalem, bus number 955 will take you to Nazareth.
    If you’re coming from Haifa, bus number 331 will get you to Nazareth.
    CarThe traffic is heavy in Nazareth. Write “Annunciation church” and look for parking in nearby streets, like Iksal Street. If you are staying in a nearby hotel better to walk by foot.

    Logistic information

    Accessibility: There is no parking available, but you can stop a car at the entrance to the upper story of the church. There are two staircases in the church entrance, request a ramp. The first door is harder to access.

    Telephone No: 972-4-6572501.

    Opening times: Daily from 08:00 to 17:00.

    WC- available apart from the second floor, payment required. Suitable for wheel chairs.

    Nearby site activities

    Few churches can be reached on foot: Joseph Church, Synagogue Church, Mensa Christi Church and Gabriel Church.

    Site explaining My experience

    The Church of the Annunciation boasts expansive interiors and a wealth of fascinating features awaiting exploration. Plan to allocate roughly 30 minutes to an hour to fully immerse yourself in its splendor. With a stroke of luck, you may even have the opportunity to attend a Catholic mass during your visit. Be sure not to overlook the section devoted to Mary, where you might chance upon a depiction that resonates with your homeland.