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  • Table of Contents

Last week, I saw some life signs in the Dead Sea, and I am not speaking about aliens. The Dead Sea, to me, represents relaxation, salty water, mud, and floating near the shore, and this time, it was a completely different experience. My friend and I went to a secret beach that belonged to the local kibbutz and sat in a kayak to explore unknown Dead Sea angels. Some of the natural phenomena we have discovered have not been researched yet! What are the life signs I mentioned above? I am speaking about a very watching more and more people trying the new attraction of Kayaks and a unique boat which is only in its beginning stage but is gaining momentum at a rapid pace. Looking back and forth, I saw couples rowing vigorously and admiring the view just like us.

What is so unique about sailing or paddling in Kayaks on the sea? How safe is it to try those activities?

The reasons that this experience is so unique are: firstly, This is not a regular sea. The lowest lake on earth water consists of 34% percent salt, 9.6 times saltier than the ocean water. Secondly, Another factor is the climate condition, due to its location and topography the evaporation here is very high, meaning in the summer it is super hot and the water reminds me of a chicken hot soup (without the chicken). This property makes it impossible for humans to swim in it but to float without effort. This is also why it is straightforward to drown while swallowing water.

In the past, adventurers like Christopher Costigan and Thomas Howard Molyneux attempted to cross the Dead Sea by boat, facing significant dangers, with some losing their lives. However, today, thanks to modern safety measures, crossing the Dead Sea by boat or kayak is possible and safe. So grab a big bottle of cold water and join us on our journey across the Dead Sea!

Paddle on!

It was a thrilling experience to join the kayaking activity in the Dead Sea. I had imagined a leisurely and serene outing, gliding smoothly through the stunning landscape. However, reality proved to be quite different. Paddling alongside my partner required continuous effort to keep up with the group, and the route was more challenging than I had anticipated. While the scenery was undeniably breathtaking, I found myself wishing for a shorter journey. On the other hand, when I looked at the other people paddling, we realized that we were the only ones to complain about it… my message of this long story is: If you like adventures, love kayaks, and ready for some hard paddling this is definitely for you (and I’m so jealous!). Otherwise, take the boat and “seas” every moment!

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Drive on Road 90. To Mitzpe Shalem Junction. A secret road will be open just for you and will take you directly to the parking. From the parking lot, the local jeep will pick you up for 5 minutes drive to the Dead Sea private shore.

According to your reservations, this attraction can take 1.5 hours or 3 hours. It departs in the morning and afternoon (you don’t want to be here in the hot noon).

You have two options:

1] Boat ride.

2] Kayaks.

Both options have the same route: you will sail to explore imaginary landscapes, including shapes of salty stalactites, sinkholes, and amazing layers of soil with salt. Your boat and Kayak will stop near a sinkhole with cold and turquoise water, totally worth the journey!

The boat ride is up to 12 people, and it is a very romantic experience, especially in the sunset.

Kayaks is for the adventures type of people, If in doubt paddle on.

Dead Sea Chinese7 1


We will meet at Mitzpe Shalem junction. You need a special premition by a local person to open the gate. Then you will be picked up by a jeep to the starting point


Address Mitzpe Shalem Junction.

Arrival options

Bus linesFrom Jerusalem Central bus station, line 486 From Maale Adumim, Line 26 Rate: 38 Nis per direction.
CarIf you are coming from Jerusalem: drive on Route No. 1 to the west until you reach to rout 90. Then turn left to the south until arriving the Mitzpe Shalem Junction.
TaxiYou can take a taxi from Jerusalem (about 150 Nis per direction, not cheap)


While this attraction is not currently accessible to wheelchairs, individuals with walking disabilities can still enjoy the experience of sailing on the Dead Sea by boat. The boat is equipped to accommodate those with mobility challenges, providing them with the opportunity to partake in this unique and memorable adventure.

For more info, check my post about accessible beaches

Apparently, the lowest point on earth is quite warm! Take with you a swimsuit and a towel, a sun cream, sunglasses, wide hat and enough water (minimum 1.5 Litter per person is a must). We also recommend to wear long and thin clothing over the swimsuit, which suitable to the sea and will cover your body.

Sailing In The Dead Sea Today | My Experience

If I had to sum up this experience in a single sentence, I would say it’s like “Entering a piece of heaven.” The view here is truly unlike anything else, with the stunning turquoise waters contrasting against the backdrop of red mountains and white salt, creating a magical scene that simply can’t be captured adequately through a camera lens.

This adventure brings to mind the old stories of people attempting to cross the Dead Sea, many of whom never succeeded. Yet today, we have the opportunity to safely embark on a boat ride or kayak excursion on these historic waters, making it a unique adventure that few have had the chance to experience.

Sailing in Boat: level of difficulty : Easy- Medium.

Kayaks in Dead Sea: Level if Difficulty : Medium- Hard

Dead Sea Kayaks1 1 1

Dead Sea was and still a mystery and a Sea of Stories

The Dead Sea, like other bodies of water, holds its own unique tales, but you won’t find any sea monsters lurking in its depths due to its extreme saltiness.

Despite many attempts by researchers to cross the Dead Sea in boats, most of these endeavors ended in failure or tragedy due to the harsh climatic conditions.

Navigating the Dead Sea is challenging because the salty water corrodes metal and erodes wood, making it difficult for boats to sail. However, archaeological findings have revealed surprising evidence of ancient harbors along its shores.

Dating back to the Hasmonean period, an ancient fortress and boat dock were discovered south of the Einot Tzukim reserve, at a site called Khitbet Mazin. Coins dating to the time of Alexander Yanai were found nearby, suggesting that the Dead Sea was used as a transportation route between Judea (modern-day West Bank) and Moab (part of present-day Jordan). This indicates that people did indeed navigate the Dead Sea by boat in ancient times.

Archaeologist Professor Ehud Netzer proposed that a grand royal structure was built during Alexander Yanai’s reign, serving as a storage facility for a luxury cruise ship used by royalty to travel between sites along the Dead Sea.

We promised interesting stories, Lets jump to the 19th century.

One of the first who came to explore the Dead Sea by boat during this time was Christopher Costigan, an Irish who had encountered many difficulties in his journey. For example, he chose the hottest season in the Dead Sea, August… (hell is here). He also had difficulty bringing the boat he bought in Beirut to the Dead Sea. On his journey, he was curious about biblical stories and investigated local ruins following the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Unfortunately, due to the hot weather and lack of water, he became sick and began to feel weaker until he died, being only 25 years old.

Another interesting story belongs to Lt Thomas Howard Molyneux, who came in during the hot season in 1847 on September 3rd. He also came in during the hot season, but unlike Costigan, he was well-equipped. His team was the first to record the lake’s maximum depth of 1,350 feet. After a few days of discovering the salt stones’ “pillars,” he became ill and died a few days later.

Our last story belongs to Lt. William Lynch, who served in the U.S. Navy and arrived during the same year as Molyneux in 1847, but this time, the story has a better ending. He learned from Costigan and Molyneux’s mistakes and came ready for this hard journey. His expedition followed their footsteps and led to the making of the first modern map of the Dead Sea. To the memory of his predecessors, he decided to name the northern extremity point of the Dead Sea “Point Costigan” and the southern extremity point “Point Molyneux”; this point disappeared due to the receding of the water. Fortunately, he survived and even wrote books about his journey! Now, can we change the name “Dead Sea” to something more optimistic?

Try it!

If Dead Sea is in your bucket list you must try boat or Kayaks in the Dead Sea, it is a life time experience! You will arrive at a small, mysterious, beautiful strip of beach surrounded by special white and brown colored rocks, sail away to an adventure, and come back to take a shower with the track we arranged for you. you can quickly start the day with this activity or end it with an unforgettable Dead Sea sunset and a glass of wine. The Dead Sea is alive!

Dead Sea Athmosphear 1

    Last week, I saw some life signs in the Dead Sea, and I am not speaking about aliens. The Dead Sea, to me, represents relaxation, salty water, mud, and floating near the shore, and this time, it was a completely different experience. My friend and I went to a secret beach that belonged to the local kibbutz and sat in a kayak to explore unknown Dead Sea angels. Some of the natural phenomena we have discovered have not been researched yet! What are the life signs I mentioned above? I am speaking about a very watching more and more people trying the new attraction of Kayaks and a unique boat which is only in its beginning stage but is gaining momentum at a rapid pace. Looking back and forth, I saw couples rowing vigorously and admiring the view just like us.

    What is so unique about sailing or paddling in Kayaks on the sea? How safe is it to try those activities?

    The reasons that this experience is so unique are: firstly, This is not a regular sea. The lowest lake on earth water consists of 34% percent salt, 9.6 times saltier than the ocean water. Secondly, Another factor is the climate condition, due to its location and topography the evaporation here is very high, meaning in the summer it is super hot and the water reminds me of a chicken hot soup (without the chicken). This property makes it impossible for humans to swim in it but to float without effort. This is also why it is straightforward to drown while swallowing water.

    In the past, adventurers like Christopher Costigan and Thomas Howard Molyneux attempted to cross the Dead Sea by boat, facing significant dangers, with some losing their lives. However, today, thanks to modern safety measures, crossing the Dead Sea by boat or kayak is possible and safe. So grab a big bottle of cold water and join us on our journey across the Dead Sea!

    Paddle on!

    It was a thrilling experience to join the kayaking activity in the Dead Sea. I had imagined a leisurely and serene outing, gliding smoothly through the stunning landscape. However, reality proved to be quite different. Paddling alongside my partner required continuous effort to keep up with the group, and the route was more challenging than I had anticipated. While the scenery was undeniably breathtaking, I found myself wishing for a shorter journey. On the other hand, when I looked at the other people paddling, we realized that we were the only ones to complain about it… my message of this long story is: If you like adventures, love kayaks, and ready for some hard paddling this is definitely for you (and I’m so jealous!). Otherwise, take the boat and “seas” every moment!

    Dead Sea Kyaks8 1


    Drive on Road 90. To Mitzpe Shalem Junction. A secret road will be open just for you and will take you directly to the parking. From the parking lot, the local jeep will pick you up for 5 minutes drive to the Dead Sea private shore.

    According to your reservations, this attraction can take 1.5 hours or 3 hours. It departs in the morning and afternoon (you don’t want to be here in the hot noon).

    You have two options:

    1] Boat ride.

    2] Kayaks.

    Both options have the same route: you will sail to explore imaginary landscapes, including shapes of salty stalactites, sinkholes, and amazing layers of soil with salt. Your boat and Kayak will stop near a sinkhole with cold and turquoise water, totally worth the journey!

    The boat ride is up to 12 people, and it is a very romantic experience, especially in the sunset.

    Kayaks is for the adventures type of people, If in doubt paddle on.

    Dead Sea Chinese7 1


    We will meet at Mitzpe Shalem junction. You need a special premition by a local person to open the gate. Then you will be picked up by a jeep to the starting point


    Address Mitzpe Shalem Junction.

    Arrival options

    Bus linesFrom Jerusalem Central bus station, line 486 From Maale Adumim, Line 26 Rate: 38 Nis per direction.
    CarIf you are coming from Jerusalem: drive on Route No. 1 to the west until you reach to rout 90. Then turn left to the south until arriving the Mitzpe Shalem Junction.
    TaxiYou can take a taxi from Jerusalem (about 150 Nis per direction, not cheap)


    While this attraction is not currently accessible to wheelchairs, individuals with walking disabilities can still enjoy the experience of sailing on the Dead Sea by boat. The boat is equipped to accommodate those with mobility challenges, providing them with the opportunity to partake in this unique and memorable adventure.

    For more info, check my post about accessible beaches

    Apparently, the lowest point on earth is quite warm! Take with you a swimsuit and a towel, a sun cream, sunglasses, wide hat and enough water (minimum 1.5 Litter per person is a must). We also recommend to wear long and thin clothing over the swimsuit, which suitable to the sea and will cover your body.

    Sailing In The Dead Sea Today | My Experience

    If I had to sum up this experience in a single sentence, I would say it’s like “Entering a piece of heaven.” The view here is truly unlike anything else, with the stunning turquoise waters contrasting against the backdrop of red mountains and white salt, creating a magical scene that simply can’t be captured adequately through a camera lens.

    This adventure brings to mind the old stories of people attempting to cross the Dead Sea, many of whom never succeeded. Yet today, we have the opportunity to safely embark on a boat ride or kayak excursion on these historic waters, making it a unique adventure that few have had the chance to experience.

    Sailing in Boat: level of difficulty : Easy- Medium.

    Kayaks in Dead Sea: Level if Difficulty : Medium- Hard

    Dead Sea Kayaks1 1 1

    Dead Sea was and still a mystery and a Sea of Stories

    The Dead Sea, like other bodies of water, holds its own unique tales, but you won’t find any sea monsters lurking in its depths due to its extreme saltiness.

    Despite many attempts by researchers to cross the Dead Sea in boats, most of these endeavors ended in failure or tragedy due to the harsh climatic conditions.

    Navigating the Dead Sea is challenging because the salty water corrodes metal and erodes wood, making it difficult for boats to sail. However, archaeological findings have revealed surprising evidence of ancient harbors along its shores.

    Dating back to the Hasmonean period, an ancient fortress and boat dock were discovered south of the Einot Tzukim reserve, at a site called Khitbet Mazin. Coins dating to the time of Alexander Yanai were found nearby, suggesting that the Dead Sea was used as a transportation route between Judea (modern-day West Bank) and Moab (part of present-day Jordan). This indicates that people did indeed navigate the Dead Sea by boat in ancient times.

    Archaeologist Professor Ehud Netzer proposed that a grand royal structure was built during Alexander Yanai’s reign, serving as a storage facility for a luxury cruise ship used by royalty to travel between sites along the Dead Sea.

    We promised interesting stories, Lets jump to the 19th century.

    One of the first who came to explore the Dead Sea by boat during this time was Christopher Costigan, an Irish who had encountered many difficulties in his journey. For example, he chose the hottest season in the Dead Sea, August… (hell is here). He also had difficulty bringing the boat he bought in Beirut to the Dead Sea. On his journey, he was curious about biblical stories and investigated local ruins following the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Unfortunately, due to the hot weather and lack of water, he became sick and began to feel weaker until he died, being only 25 years old.

    Another interesting story belongs to Lt Thomas Howard Molyneux, who came in during the hot season in 1847 on September 3rd. He also came in during the hot season, but unlike Costigan, he was well-equipped. His team was the first to record the lake’s maximum depth of 1,350 feet. After a few days of discovering the salt stones’ “pillars,” he became ill and died a few days later.

    Our last story belongs to Lt. William Lynch, who served in the U.S. Navy and arrived during the same year as Molyneux in 1847, but this time, the story has a better ending. He learned from Costigan and Molyneux’s mistakes and came ready for this hard journey. His expedition followed their footsteps and led to the making of the first modern map of the Dead Sea. To the memory of his predecessors, he decided to name the northern extremity point of the Dead Sea “Point Costigan” and the southern extremity point “Point Molyneux”; this point disappeared due to the receding of the water. Fortunately, he survived and even wrote books about his journey! Now, can we change the name “Dead Sea” to something more optimistic?

    Try it!

    If Dead Sea is in your bucket list you must try boat or Kayaks in the Dead Sea, it is a life time experience! You will arrive at a small, mysterious, beautiful strip of beach surrounded by special white and brown colored rocks, sail away to an adventure, and come back to take a shower with the track we arranged for you. you can quickly start the day with this activity or end it with an unforgettable Dead Sea sunset and a glass of wine. The Dead Sea is alive!

    Dead Sea Athmosphear 1