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Visit Jaffa and explore Raziel street

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Raziel Street is located at 15 Raziel Street in Jaffa. It’s only a 5-minute walk from Jaffa North Sea Beach and can be easily spotted from Jaffa Clock Square. You can reach it by local transportation or a short walk south on the Tel Aviv promenade. Historically, this area was once part of the main road to Nablus and Damascus.

Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Raziel Bostrus Residence 1 2

Area Map

Mr. Howard’s old house in Jaffa.

Howard Iskander

Howard Iskandar, originally known as Iskandar Awad, was a Christian merchant from Lebanon who resided in Jaffa during the mid-19th century. Adopting the name “Howard” to cater to his European clientele, he was not only a local businessman but also served as a travel agent, working for the renowned Thomas Cook travel firm. His responsibilities included organizing pilgrimage tours for groups visiting the Holy Land, Lebanon, Egypt, and Italy.

During this period, the journey between Jaffa and Jerusalem was fraught with dangers due to the presence of numerous robbers along the way. However, Howard ensured the safety of his tourists by implementing thorough security measures, ensuring a smooth and secure travel experience for his clients.

Free Mason’s and Howard Iskander

Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that traces its origins back to the medieval stonemason guilds of Europe. Over time, it evolved into a broader fraternal and philosophical society, attracting members from various backgrounds and professions. The basic unit of Freemasonry is the lodge, where members gather for meetings and ceremonies. Freemasonry is built upon a system of symbolic rituals and allegorical teachings, which are intended to impart moral and philosophical lessons to its members. These rituals often involve the use of symbols, such as the square and compasses, which represent moral principles and the pursuit of truth.

Freemasonry strongly emphasizes moral and ethical conduct, charitable work, and community service. It promotes the ideals of brotherly love, relief, and truth, encouraging its members to strive for personal improvement and contribute positively to society.

The connection between Freemasonry and Jaffa lies in the historical presence of Freemasons within the city. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jaffa experienced significant urban development and economic growth, attracting merchants, professionals, and travelers from around the world. Among them were Freemasons, who established lodges and meeting places in the city.

One notable figure associated with Freemasonry in Jaffa was Howard Iskandar, a Christian merchant and travel agent who lived in the city during the 19th century. Iskandar, also known as Howard, was involved in organizing pilgrimage tours and facilitating travel to the Holy Land for visitors from Europe and beyond. He incorporated elements of Freemasonry into the buildings he constructed, reflecting the influence of the Masonic order in Jaffa during that time.

Overall, Freemasonry’s connection with Jaffa reflects its broader presence and influence in communities worldwide, where it has contributed to social, cultural, and charitable endeavors while promoting the principles of brotherhood, tolerance, and moral integrity.

Tel Aviv And Jaffa House In Raziel St 1

Let’s talk about style

This historic house, established in 1892, served dual purposes as both a hotel and an apartment house. Owned by Howard Iskandar, who was a member of the Freemasons, the building incorporated Masonic elements into its design. Carved from white marble, these elements included a folded curtain symbolizing the separation between the profane and sacred areas in the Jewish Temple. Additionally, a small square hall with a triangular roof was designed to represent the Masonic apron used in their ceremonies.

Inside the hall, a Hebrew inscription reads “Peace on Israel,” serving as a Masonic greeting. A closer inspection reveals a headstone bearing the phrase “Le Chevalier Howard, 1882,” indicating Iskandar’s status as a knight within the Masonic order. This inscription was intended to signal to Masonic visitors that they had a welcoming place in Israel to conduct their ceremonies and find shelter.

Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Raziel St Rail 1

Neighborhood background

In the late 19th century, economic development spurred growth beyond the historical city walls of Jaffa. These walls were dismantled, and new streets emerged in their place, symbolizing the city’s expansion and modernization. Initially referred to as Shem Road, the street later acquired names like Bostros Street and Howard Street before becoming known as Raziel Street today.

Raziel Street was a vital artery, linking the bustling city center with emerging neighborhoods to the east. Along its path, significant establishments emerged, marking pivotal points in Jaffa’s urban evolution. The Bostros House, named after a prominent Beirut merchant, once stood at Raziel 11, while Howard’s inaugural hotel, a testament to the city’s newfound prosperity, occupied Raziel 17.

At the northern end of the street bordering the cemetery, one-story warehouses proliferated, reflecting the commercial activity that characterized this vibrant thoroughfare. Originally a modest road, Shem Road transformed into the primary route to the burgeoning city of Tel Aviv, attracting entrepreneurs like Bostros and Howard. Their legacies endure, with the names of both merchants still etched into the fabric of Raziel Street, a testament to its significance as the main thoroughfare of the new Jaffa, complete with connections to the Jerusalem railway.

Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Abradge Res

Explore the street on your own

Perhaps within the walls of Raziel Street lie hidden gems of architecture, symbols of faith, and echoes of a time long past. Like a book waiting to be opened, Raziel Street invites the curious to explore its mysteries and uncover its secrets, offering glimpses into the rich tapestry of history that weaves through the streets of Jaffa.

Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Aleys7 1 2

    Raziel Street is located at 15 Raziel Street in Jaffa. It’s only a 5-minute walk from Jaffa North Sea Beach and can be easily spotted from Jaffa Clock Square. You can reach it by local transportation or a short walk south on the Tel Aviv promenade. Historically, this area was once part of the main road to Nablus and Damascus.

    Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Raziel Bostrus Residence 1 2

    Area Map

    Mr. Howard’s old house in Jaffa.

    Howard Iskander

    Howard Iskandar, originally known as Iskandar Awad, was a Christian merchant from Lebanon who resided in Jaffa during the mid-19th century. Adopting the name “Howard” to cater to his European clientele, he was not only a local businessman but also served as a travel agent, working for the renowned Thomas Cook travel firm. His responsibilities included organizing pilgrimage tours for groups visiting the Holy Land, Lebanon, Egypt, and Italy.

    During this period, the journey between Jaffa and Jerusalem was fraught with dangers due to the presence of numerous robbers along the way. However, Howard ensured the safety of his tourists by implementing thorough security measures, ensuring a smooth and secure travel experience for his clients.

    Free Mason’s and Howard Iskander

    Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that traces its origins back to the medieval stonemason guilds of Europe. Over time, it evolved into a broader fraternal and philosophical society, attracting members from various backgrounds and professions. The basic unit of Freemasonry is the lodge, where members gather for meetings and ceremonies. Freemasonry is built upon a system of symbolic rituals and allegorical teachings, which are intended to impart moral and philosophical lessons to its members. These rituals often involve the use of symbols, such as the square and compasses, which represent moral principles and the pursuit of truth.

    Freemasonry strongly emphasizes moral and ethical conduct, charitable work, and community service. It promotes the ideals of brotherly love, relief, and truth, encouraging its members to strive for personal improvement and contribute positively to society.

    The connection between Freemasonry and Jaffa lies in the historical presence of Freemasons within the city. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jaffa experienced significant urban development and economic growth, attracting merchants, professionals, and travelers from around the world. Among them were Freemasons, who established lodges and meeting places in the city.

    One notable figure associated with Freemasonry in Jaffa was Howard Iskandar, a Christian merchant and travel agent who lived in the city during the 19th century. Iskandar, also known as Howard, was involved in organizing pilgrimage tours and facilitating travel to the Holy Land for visitors from Europe and beyond. He incorporated elements of Freemasonry into the buildings he constructed, reflecting the influence of the Masonic order in Jaffa during that time.

    Overall, Freemasonry’s connection with Jaffa reflects its broader presence and influence in communities worldwide, where it has contributed to social, cultural, and charitable endeavors while promoting the principles of brotherhood, tolerance, and moral integrity.

    Tel Aviv And Jaffa House In Raziel St 1

    Let’s talk about style

    This historic house, established in 1892, served dual purposes as both a hotel and an apartment house. Owned by Howard Iskandar, who was a member of the Freemasons, the building incorporated Masonic elements into its design. Carved from white marble, these elements included a folded curtain symbolizing the separation between the profane and sacred areas in the Jewish Temple. Additionally, a small square hall with a triangular roof was designed to represent the Masonic apron used in their ceremonies.

    Inside the hall, a Hebrew inscription reads “Peace on Israel,” serving as a Masonic greeting. A closer inspection reveals a headstone bearing the phrase “Le Chevalier Howard, 1882,” indicating Iskandar’s status as a knight within the Masonic order. This inscription was intended to signal to Masonic visitors that they had a welcoming place in Israel to conduct their ceremonies and find shelter.

    Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Raziel St Rail 1

    Neighborhood background

    In the late 19th century, economic development spurred growth beyond the historical city walls of Jaffa. These walls were dismantled, and new streets emerged in their place, symbolizing the city’s expansion and modernization. Initially referred to as Shem Road, the street later acquired names like Bostros Street and Howard Street before becoming known as Raziel Street today.

    Raziel Street was a vital artery, linking the bustling city center with emerging neighborhoods to the east. Along its path, significant establishments emerged, marking pivotal points in Jaffa’s urban evolution. The Bostros House, named after a prominent Beirut merchant, once stood at Raziel 11, while Howard’s inaugural hotel, a testament to the city’s newfound prosperity, occupied Raziel 17.

    At the northern end of the street bordering the cemetery, one-story warehouses proliferated, reflecting the commercial activity that characterized this vibrant thoroughfare. Originally a modest road, Shem Road transformed into the primary route to the burgeoning city of Tel Aviv, attracting entrepreneurs like Bostros and Howard. Their legacies endure, with the names of both merchants still etched into the fabric of Raziel Street, a testament to its significance as the main thoroughfare of the new Jaffa, complete with connections to the Jerusalem railway.

    Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Abradge Res

    Explore the street on your own

    Perhaps within the walls of Raziel Street lie hidden gems of architecture, symbols of faith, and echoes of a time long past. Like a book waiting to be opened, Raziel Street invites the curious to explore its mysteries and uncover its secrets, offering glimpses into the rich tapestry of history that weaves through the streets of Jaffa.

    Tel Aviv And Jaffa Jaffa Aleys7 1 2