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Church of Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha

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The church stands on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, commemorating a pivotal miracle performed by Jesus—the feeding of 5,000 people with just seven loaves of bread and a few fish. This extraordinary event is recounted in all four gospels, with varying details. In Matthew and Mark, the number of individuals fed is specified as 4,000.

In Mark 6:41-45, the scene unfolds: “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.”

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Main story Of the Church

The Church and its story has great meaning in the Christian world. It is about a mass miracle, not a personal one, which testifies to the universality of the Gospel and the increasing power of Jesus. Although it is about serving the crowd true bread, it is also spiritual bread, the bread of life, and the Christian religion. The disciples who serve the bread to the people are the apostles who transmit the Gospel of Jesus to humanity. Finally, 12 baskets were left loaded with food, an allusion to the twelve tribes of Israel, and 7 fish, which symbolize the world’s nations.

Inside the Church

The church is built in an area called “Tabgha,” which is a pedestal that seems to be a distortion of the Greek word “Patpagon,” which means seven, to denote the seven springs that originate in the church area. The ancient relics are from the 4th century, a church of a converted Jew named Joseph Hakoms, and then a church of the monk Martyrius in the 5th century.

A Byzantine icon (Ikon) has been found where martyrs are seen holding a church. Thus, even though the churches were destroyed during the Persian invasion in the seventh century, they restored the church according to the icon. Inside the room beside the altar, there are sections of a mosaic floor with motifs of the Nile, two fish, and four loaves of bread. TNotably, the fifth loaf is absent from the mosaic, symbolizing the Eucharistic bread consumed during Mass and representing the flesh of Jesus—the bread of life. This symbolic imagery underscores the spiritual significance of the Church and its role in commemorating Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish.

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Basic Information

Name of the church Church of the multiplication of bread and fish in Tabgha.

Address : Tabgha, near Capernaum


Christianity order :Roman-Catholic, Benedictine

Construction date: 1982.

Arrival options

Bus linesBus number 52, 142 from Tiberias
CarTo reach the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter, head to Capernaum Junction at the intersection of Highway 90 and Highway 87. Take a southbound turn onto Highway 87. After traveling 230 meters, the road will sharply turn eastward. Continue for another 300 meters until you reach the church’s car park. Please note that parking at this facility requires a fee. From there, you can proceed on foot to the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter.

Accessibility and Logistic

The church can be reached by wheelchair.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 08:00-17:00

Saturday 08:00-15:00|

Sunday closed

Telephone No: 972-4-6678100.

Toilets are available at no cost. Unsuitable for wheelchairs.

Nearby Activities

The Sea of Galilee is rich in places associated with the life and ministry of Jesus. Some of the must-visit sites in the vicinity include Capernaum, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter, Kursi, and Yardenit, located on the southern shores of the Sea of Galilee. These sites offer unique insights into the historical and spiritual significance of the region and provide visitors with a deeper understanding of Jesus’s teachings and miracles.

My experience

The entrance to the church welcomes visitors with a quaint Byzantine baptismal stone and a serene garden. As you step inside, the grandeur of the church captivates with its impressive architecture. The discovery of the mosaic, intricately depicting the precise history mentioned in the New Testament, adds to its significance. Adjacent to the church, a magnificent bell tower stands tall, where Benedictine monks sound the bells with a gentle pull on the string. Nearby, the monks reside, and a pilgrim hut offers accommodation for travelers. Following a path from the church leads to the tranquil shores of the Sea of Galilee, where a shaded beach provides a serene setting for holding masses and reflection.

North Churches In Israel Tabgha Church Niza2 1

    The church stands on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, commemorating a pivotal miracle performed by Jesus—the feeding of 5,000 people with just seven loaves of bread and a few fish. This extraordinary event is recounted in all four gospels, with varying details. In Matthew and Mark, the number of individuals fed is specified as 4,000.

    In Mark 6:41-45, the scene unfolds: “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.”

    North Churches In Israel Tabgha Church Niza 1

    Main story Of the Church

    The Church and its story has great meaning in the Christian world. It is about a mass miracle, not a personal one, which testifies to the universality of the Gospel and the increasing power of Jesus. Although it is about serving the crowd true bread, it is also spiritual bread, the bread of life, and the Christian religion. The disciples who serve the bread to the people are the apostles who transmit the Gospel of Jesus to humanity. Finally, 12 baskets were left loaded with food, an allusion to the twelve tribes of Israel, and 7 fish, which symbolize the world’s nations.

    Inside the Church

    The church is built in an area called “Tabgha,” which is a pedestal that seems to be a distortion of the Greek word “Patpagon,” which means seven, to denote the seven springs that originate in the church area. The ancient relics are from the 4th century, a church of a converted Jew named Joseph Hakoms, and then a church of the monk Martyrius in the 5th century.

    A Byzantine icon (Ikon) has been found where martyrs are seen holding a church. Thus, even though the churches were destroyed during the Persian invasion in the seventh century, they restored the church according to the icon. Inside the room beside the altar, there are sections of a mosaic floor with motifs of the Nile, two fish, and four loaves of bread. TNotably, the fifth loaf is absent from the mosaic, symbolizing the Eucharistic bread consumed during Mass and representing the flesh of Jesus—the bread of life. This symbolic imagery underscores the spiritual significance of the Church and its role in commemorating Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish.

    North Churches In Israel Tabgha Church Niza4grasimus 1 1

    Basic Information

    Name of the church Church of the multiplication of bread and fish in Tabgha.

    Address : Tabgha, near Capernaum


    Christianity order :Roman-Catholic, Benedictine

    Construction date: 1982.

    Arrival options

    Bus linesBus number 52, 142 from Tiberias
    CarTo reach the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter, head to Capernaum Junction at the intersection of Highway 90 and Highway 87. Take a southbound turn onto Highway 87. After traveling 230 meters, the road will sharply turn eastward. Continue for another 300 meters until you reach the church’s car park. Please note that parking at this facility requires a fee. From there, you can proceed on foot to the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter.

    Accessibility and Logistic

    The church can be reached by wheelchair.

    Opening Hours

    Monday – Friday 08:00-17:00

    Saturday 08:00-15:00|

    Sunday closed

    Telephone No: 972-4-6678100.

    Toilets are available at no cost. Unsuitable for wheelchairs.

    Nearby Activities

    The Sea of Galilee is rich in places associated with the life and ministry of Jesus. Some of the must-visit sites in the vicinity include Capernaum, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter, Kursi, and Yardenit, located on the southern shores of the Sea of Galilee. These sites offer unique insights into the historical and spiritual significance of the region and provide visitors with a deeper understanding of Jesus’s teachings and miracles.

    My experience

    The entrance to the church welcomes visitors with a quaint Byzantine baptismal stone and a serene garden. As you step inside, the grandeur of the church captivates with its impressive architecture. The discovery of the mosaic, intricately depicting the precise history mentioned in the New Testament, adds to its significance. Adjacent to the church, a magnificent bell tower stands tall, where Benedictine monks sound the bells with a gentle pull on the string. Nearby, the monks reside, and a pilgrim hut offers accommodation for travelers. Following a path from the church leads to the tranquil shores of the Sea of Galilee, where a shaded beach provides a serene setting for holding masses and reflection.

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